

The importance of taking iron during postpartum


Motherhood is a joyous and transformative experience. However, the journey of pregnancy and
childbirth can take a toll on a woman's body, leaving her depleted of essential nutrients. One such
nutrient is iron. Iron plays a vital role in supporting overall health and well-being, particularly during
the postpartum period. In this blog, we will explore the importance of taking iron during postpartum
and why incorporating iron supplements can be beneficial.

1. Restoring Energy Levels and Combating Fatigue
The birth of a child is an incredible yet demanding process, both physically and mentally. During
pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes to accommodate the growing baby,
leading to a decrease in iron levels. These levels can be further depleted due to blood loss during
childbirth. Low iron levels can result in fatigue, weakness, and a general feeling of low energy,
making it challenging for new mothers to navigate the demands of caring for their newborns. One
way to replenish your energy levels is by eating iron-rich foods such as fish, red meat, quinoa,
legumes and shellfish. If you are unable to meet your daily iron requirements from food alone, you
can try iron supplements.

1. Supporting Cognitive Function and Emotional Well-being
The postpartum period is characterized not only by physical changes but also by emotional
adjustments. Hormonal fluctuations, sleep deprivation, and the overwhelming demands of caring for
a newborn can contribute to mood swings, anxiety, and postpartum depression. Hormones have an
impact on your mood so it’s important so don’t be too hard on yourself. Taking the right
supplements and vitamins can have a positive effect on your overall mood in the long run.
Iron plays a crucial role in supporting cognitive function and emotional well-being. Iron is important
for producing neurotransmitters like serotonin, which help regulate mood and promote feelings of
happiness. By ensuring an adequate iron intake, new mothers can support their emotional well-
being and reduce the risk of developing postpartum mood disorders. Incorporating iron supplements
such as Active Iron can be an effective strategy to help your energy levels, boost immunity, and
enhance overall health, facilitating a faster recovery.

1. Promoting Physical Recovery and Immune Function
Childbirth is a physically demanding process that places strain on various body systems. Iron is a vital
nutrient for tissue repair, wound healing, and immune function. Adequate iron levels support the
production of collagen, a protein necessary for tissue regeneration and healing. Did you know? The
need for iron is higher during pregnancy as the blood in your body increases by 30-50%. Women’s
body doesn’t produce enough iron in the second and third trimester so it's crucial to take iron
By taking iron supplements, you can expedite your physical recovery and support your immune
function during your postpartum journey. Iron supplementation can aid in healing, allowing the body
to recover more efficiently after childbirth. It’s important that you give yourself time and space to
adjust to the new you throughout this process.

Incorporating iron into the postpartum care routine is essential for new mothers. While a balanced
diet can provide some iron, it may be beneficial to consider iron supplements to ensure adequate
intake. Talk to your GP to determine the right supplement for you. Remember, taking care of
yourself as a new mother is vital. By prioritising iron intake and taking iron supplements, you can
support your energy levels, emotional well-being, and physical recovery during this special time of
the postpartum journey.

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